Tony Emmerson

I have been a Dr. Who fan since I can remember (helped by the influence of my Dad)!  'My Doctor' would be Peter Davison, although I have many favourites for different reasons.  

I have lots of Dr. Who Merchandise but my main focus is on creating scratch built models and dioramas.  My designs do not stick strictly to the official Dr. Who universe as a hardcore Whovian may know it.

I would gratefully receive any supportive/corrective feedback and I would love to hear from any other modellers out there!      

Tony can be contacted by Email Tony

Enjoy this small sample of
Tony's Collection

Totters Lane
Totters Yard
Tottters Lane
The Dalek Invasion Earth 2150
The Dalek Invasion Earth 2150
Victorian TARDIS interior
Victorian TARDIS interior
Steam Punk TARDIS interior (Industrial)
The Entropy Machine (
The Entropy Machine (

Tony can be contacted by Email Tony
All of the pictures on this page are the property of Tony Emmerson and may not be used or reproduced in any way without his explicit written consent.

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